“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” 

Marie Curie 






Subject Staff

Name Role Contact
Mrs A Middleton Head of Science Contact
Mrs S Ainsworth Classroom Teacher Contact
Mr J Birdsall Classroom Teacher, Assistant Head of Science Contact
Miss S Livesey Classroom Teacher, Assistant Head of Science Contact
Miss S Parsons Classroom Teacher Contact
Miss J Towner Classroom Teacher Contact
Miss A Maddison-Glover Science Technician Contact









Our Intent:

Our aim at Central Lancaster High School is to make science relevant and accessible to all. With this in mind we have developed a curriculum that enables all students to access all of the sciences fully. We make science relevant by linking the learning in lessons to a wide variety of every day scenarios and future careers.

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum builds on the foundations laid by the primary science curriculum and aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge to be successful. We offer both combined science and separate science at higher and foundation tier at GCSE so that students can follow the science pathway that is most suited to them.

Science enables students to develop their understanding of the world around them so that they can make informed decisions about important issues. To enable them to do this we ensure that we develop their skills in:
  • Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of: 
scientific ideas 
scientific techniques and procedures
  • Applying knowledge and understanding of: 
scientific ideas 
scientific enquiry, techniques and procedures
  • Analysing information and ideas to:
interpret and evaluate 
make judgements and draw conclusions 
develop and improve experimental procedures
As Marie Curie said “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” Our goal is to develop our students to become the citizens of tomorrow equipped with the skills to critically analyse the world around them and make informed decisions without fear.

View Science Curriculum Roadmap Overviews


KS3 Overview of Units:

  Term 1 Topics Term 2 Topics Term 3 Topics Detailed Overview
Year 7 Introduction to science, ecosystems, energy, particles, cells Forces, elements and compounds, reproduction, chemical reactions Sound, organisation, acids and alkalis, simple circuits, variation View Document
Year 8 Investigative skills, digestion, separation techniques, light, plant reproduction Metals, contact forces, body systems, earth structure
Further chemical reactions, magnetism, bioenergetics, earth’s resources
Charge and resistance, evolution, heating and cooling, power. View Document
Year 9 Disease, periodic table, forces in action, healthy lifestyles Further chemical reactions, magnetism, bioenergetics, earth’s resources Universe, inheritance, chemical energy, uses and applications of waves View Document


*this order will vary slightly as topics are taught on a rota due to availability of resources.

Science Roadmaps

Parents / carers can best support pupils by: looking through pupils' books and quizzing them on topics that have been covered previously, discussing scientific stories from the news and in the papers and encouraging pupils to read books and articles related to the sciences.

Key Stage 4

Qualification type, exam board and syllabus if applicable: AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy
Web link to specification: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/combined-science-trilogy-8464
  Term 1 Topics Term 2 Topics Term 3 Topics
Year 10 Biology: B1 cells, B2 organisation (part)
Chemistry: C1 atomic structure, C2 bonding (part)
Physics: P1 energy, P2 electrical circuits
Biology: B2 organisation part, B3 infection and response (part)
Chemistry:C2 bonding (part) C3 quantitative chemistry, C4  chemical changes (part)
Physics: P2 electricity in the home, P3 particle model
Biology: B3 infection and response part, B4 bioenergetics
Chemistry: C4 chemical changes (part), C5 energy changes, C6 rates of reaction
Physics: P4 atomic structure and radiation 
Year 11 Biology: B5 homeostasis, B6 inheritance
Chemistry: C7 organic chemistry, C8 chemical analysis
Physics: P5 forces, P6 waves (part)
Biology: B7 ecology
Chemistry: C9 chemistry of the atmosphere, C10 using resources
Physics: P6 waves (part) P7 magnetism





Paper 1 Biology 1: B1: Cells, B2: organisation, B3: infection and response, B4: bioenergetics 1 hr 15 16.67%
Paper 2 Chemistry 1: C1: Atomic structure, C2: bonding, C3: quantitative chemistry, C4: chemical changes, C5: energy changes 1 hr 15 16.67%
Paper 3 Physics 1: P1:Energy, P2:electricity, P3:particle model and density, P4: atomic structure and radiation 1 hr 15 16.67%
Paper 4 Biology 2: B5: homeostasis, B6: inheritance and evolution, B7: ecology 1 hr 15 16.67%
Paper 5 Chemistry 2: C6: rate of chemical change, C7: organic chemistry, C8: chemical analysis, C9: chemistry of the atmosphere, C10: using resources 1 hr 15 16.67%
Paper 6 Physics 2: P5: Forces, P6: waves, P7: magnetism 1 hr 15 16.67%











Qualification type, exam board and syllabus: AQA GCSE Separate Sciences
Web link to specifications: 

Biology: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/biology-8461

Chemistry: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/chemistry-8462

Physics: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/science/gcse/physics-8463




Paper 1

Biology 1: Cells, organisation, infection and response, bioenergetics

1 hr 45 50%
Paper 2

Biology 2: homeostasis, inheritance and evolution, ecology







Paper 1

Chemistry 1: Atomic structure, bonding, quantitative chemistry, chemical changes, energy changes

1 hr 45 50%
Paper 2 Chemistry 2: rate of chemical change, organic chemistry, chemical analysis, chemistry of the atmosphere, using resources 1 hr 45 50%






Paper 1

Physics 1: Energy, electricity, particle model, radiation

1 hr 45 50%
Paper 2

Physics 2: Forces, waves, electromagnetism, space

1 hr 45 50%




Parents / carers can best support pupils by: looking through their books and quizzing them on past topics, encouraging pupils to regularly revisit previous topics and recap key points, discussing science in the news.

Resource Link
GCSE Pod https://www.gcsepod.com
Seneca Learning https://senecalearning.com
BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zrkw2hv
Primrose Kitten https://www.primrosekitten.com/
Free Science Lessons YouTube Channel  https://www.youtube.com/c/freesciencelessons
Doc Brown https://www.docbrown.info/








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