
At Central Lancaster High School, we place significant value on the importance of reading and believe it plays a pivotal role in enabling our pupils to be able to access their curriculum whilst in school and when seeking further and higher educational opportunities.

We believe reading is the key driver that enables our pupils to reach their potential. Being able to read successfully and competently removes barriers to most challenges our young people face throughout their lifetime: both in school, society and the wider world of work. We endeavour to promote and secure a life-long love of reading so that when our pupils become parents they instil the importance of reading to their children.


CLHS Reading Strategy - View / Download Our Reading Strategy Document Here


Further Reading Sections

Trust Canon

Years 7 & 8 Book Buzz

Read about the Bay Learning Trust Literary Canon Read all about the Bookbuzz Programme


Supporting Reading at Home

How can I support my child with their reading?

  1. Make books part of your family life—always have books around so that you and your children can read whenever you get the chance.
  2. Join your local library—get your child a library card.  You’ll find the latest video games, DVDs, CD and lots and lots of fantastic books! Allow them to choose their own books , encouraging their own interests. 
  3. Match their interests—help them find the right book. It doesn’t matter if it’s fiction, poetry, comics or non-fiction. 
  4. All reading is good—don’t discount non-fiction, comics, graphic novels, magazines and leaflets. Reading is reading! 
  5. Ask questions—to keep them interested in the story, ask your child questions as they read. These questions could be: ‘what’s happening in your story?’ ‘What are you enjoying about it?’ ‘Who would you recommend it to and why?’ 
  6. Get comfortable—make sure your child has somewhere comfortable to read. This needs to be part of their routine. 
  7. Read whenever you get the chance—always have a book with you to demonstrate the positives of reading. 
  8. Read again and again—encourage your child to re-read favourite books and poems. Re-reading helps build fluency. 
  9. Routine—make sure that reading is part of your child’s routine. To improve literacy, children should be reading for fifteen minutes each night.


Recommended websites a great tool for finding new books and genres a website full of many recommendations get involved in national reading initiatives 


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