If you are worried about the welfare of a child at Central Lancaster High School you can ring

01524 32636

and ask to speak to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Victoria Crossman).

You can also report any concerns regarding unpleasant or bullying behaviours to our Anti-Bullying text line 07930 995 456 or email antibullying@lancasterhigh.lancs.sch.uk. 

Concerned about a child? You can also call 0300 123 6720 or out of hours 0300 123 6722. If you think a child is in immediate danger – don't delay call the police on 999

please click on any of the links below for further help, support and advice.

If you are worried about a child’s welfare:

Contact the NSPCC helpline


If you are worried about inappropriate image of video content of your child online:

  Contact Report - Remove


If you are worried about a child’s mental health:

Childline.org.uk Kooth.com Youngminds.org.uk

For children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide and for anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide:



Supporting adult family members via telephone, text, email and web chat. Family pressures can sometimes be difficult to manage without emotional support and guidance to help. Many people feel confused by what information is available or struggle to access services close to home.



Do you need support with:
•    Helping a child or young person who is grieving
•    Understanding the concept of loss in children and young people of different ages
•    Recognising potential complicated grief.



Supporting Families

Our pastoral team at Central Lancaster High School know that the best outcomes for pupils are achieved when school and home work together sharing a consistent message with the young person. For further information and our early help offers, see our Supporting Families page: Supporting Families

CLHS Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Central Lancaster High School fully recognises the contribution we can make to protect children from harm and to support and promote the welfare of all children who are pupils at our school.  This policy applies to all stakeholders; this includes pupils, staff, parents, governors, volunteers, placement students and visitors.



This May Help

This May Help has been created for parents and carers to help manage their child’s mental health.

The subjects covered on this website have been chosen by parents and carers just like you, and in consultation with young people who have gone through their own mental health issues. What helped them may also help you.

On each page you’ll find text for every topic along with more support films and links to other resources.


County Lines:
County lines is about city-based gangs expanding their illegal drugs businesses into new areas, often exploiting children in the process.

When an organised crime group or urban gang from an area such as London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, or West Yorkshire extends their drug dealing operation into other counties it's often referred to as 'county lines'. ‘Line’ refers to the mobile phone drug lines that organised crime groups market to sell their drugs.

Gangs need people to transport drugs and cash and often exploit children and vulnerable adults to do so. These drugs runners are incentivised with things that they want or need such as money, gifts like designer clothes and trainers, status, perceived friendship, or protection in return for completing tasks. Soon these gifts and intangible benefits turn into threats of what will happen if they don’t complete a task. These intimidation tactics make it very difficult for new recruits to say no, particularly as debts are incurred.

Children as young as 10 and vulnerable adults are made to travel many miles away from home to coastal towns and rural locations to deliver Class A drugs such as heroin and crack cocaine, collect cash, and even carry out enforcement for the gang. Travelling to areas where they are not known by the authorities allows them to fly under the radar for longer, carrying the risk on behalf of senior gang members. This causes obvious problems in our communities as vulnerable adults and children go missing for days at a time, missing school and being away from any support.

If you are concerned about a child’s involvement or the possibility of a child’s involvement with County Lines, go to this website for more information and guidance on what to do:


Further useful websites and services:



Equality Objectives

Please click here to view our statement of equality objectives.


January Parent Read

Parenting Smart: Articles - Place2Be



Family Guide to Parental Controls - ConnectSafely 

Download the How To Be A Good Digital Parent Toolkit (fosi.org) 




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