Subject Staff




Mrs R Pearson

Subject Lead for RE/ PSHE





Our Intent:

Religious Education

In RE at Central Lancaster High School we are committed to instilling a respect for beliefs and practices within different faiths as well as a love of the debate that takes place when studying different ideas to one’s own. Our inquiry-based curriculum aims to broaden our student’s world view by introducing them to the exploration of religion and helping them to recognise the contribution spirituality plays in many people’s lives within our local, national and global community. By doing this, we enable them to critically reflect on their own attitudes and address myths, misconceptions and stereotypes along the way. Over the duration of their religious education at CLHS students will focus on key skill areas;
Knowledge and understanding of religious belief and practices as well as the influence this has over an individual’s actions and attitudes. 
Evaluation of religious beliefs and practices leading to a reflective, well-considered, reasoned conclusion of personal opinion and analysis of religious teachings, texts and sources of authority.

These cross-curricular skills will be the basis of their religious education from KS3 through to KS4. In Year 7 students study Christianity and Islam as these religions represent the two largest faiths found in our local community. Students will cover viewpoints from the six main religions as well as viewpoints from smaller religions and nonreligious groups. 

During Year 8 & 9, pupils begin to use build on their knowledge and understanding of religious belief in thematic studies. This gives students the opportunity to explore the other major world faiths by applying beliefs and practices to moral issues such as The Problem of Evil and Suffering, Crime and Punishment and Family and Relationships.

KS3 overview of RE units


Term 1 Topics

Term 2 Topics

Term 3 Topics

Curriculum Roadmaps    

Year 7

Christianity: Beliefs and practices

Islam: Beliefs and practices


Judaism: Beliefs and practices


View Document

Year 8

Beliefs and Practices: Buddhism 

Beliefs and Practices: Religious Attitudes to Evil and Suffering

Beliefs and Practices: 
Life After Death

View Document

Year 9

Thematic Studies: 
Religious Attitudes to Sex and Relationships

Thematic Studies: 
Being Human

Thematic Studies: 
Religion, Science and society

View Document


Parents / carers can best support pupils by: Regularly talking about current events relating to faith, belief, moral issues and religion. Stories like this are always in the news and striking up a conversation with your child can be a great way to help them develop their ability to express their views and reflect on contrasting views to their own.

GCSE Religious Studies

Qualification type, exam board and syllabus if applicable: GCSE Religious Studies, AQA Specification A
Link to specification: AQA | GCSE | Religious Studies A | Specification at a glance


Half Term 1

Half Term 2 Half Term 3 Half Term 4 Half Term 5 Half Term 6
Year 10

Christianity: beliefs and practices

Christianity: beliefs and practices

Christianity: beliefs and practices

Islam: beliefs and practices

Islam: beliefs and practices  


Islam: beliefs and practices  


Year 11

Thematic study: Religion and life issues 

Thematic study:

Relationships and families  

Thematic study: Religion, crime and punishment

Thematic study: Religion, human rights and social justice






Both exam papers have a common structure of questions of 1,2,4,5 and 12 marks. There are marks for spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) in each 12 mark question.

Paper 1

The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices (Christianity and Islam)

1 hour 45 minutes

96 marks plus 6 SPaG

Each religion is marked out of 48.

50% of GCSE

Paper 2

Thematic Studies

  • Relationships and families
  • Religion and life
  • Religion, crime and punishment
  • Religion, human rights and social justice

1 hour 45 minutes

96 marks plus 6 SPaG

Each theme is marked out of 24.

50% of GCSE


Additional resources to support revision:

Each student will be provided with a revision workbook in the lead up to exams and will be supported in the creation of revision materials before end of unit assessments. Further revision materials available:



GCSE Pod (login available from teacher)

BBC Bitesize

Christianity - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize  (Paper 1 revision)

Islam - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - AQA - BBC Bitesize (Paper 1 revision)

Revision workbook for Paper 1: Christianity and Islam

AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (9-1) Workbook: Christianity and Islam for Paper 1: Get Revision with Results: Jackson-Royal, Rachael: 9780198445630: Books

Revision workbook for Paper 2: Thematic studies (using Christianity and Islam)

AQA GCSE Religious Studies A (9-1) Workbook: Themes through Christianity and Islam for Paper 2: Get Revision with Results: Cox, Dawn: 9780198445661: Books

Revision guide for entire specification

AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Islam Revision Guide: With all you need to know for your 2022 assessments (GCSE Religious Studies for AQA): Fleming, Marianne, Power, Harriet, Smith, Peter: 9780198422839: Books

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