Benefits of School Attendance

Good attendance at school is not just valuable, it’s essential. Attending school regularly and punctually is directly linked to improved progress and exam performance which should in turn lead to further learning opportunities and better job prospects. As well as this, going to school helps to develop:

  • friendships
  • social skills
  • team values
  • life skills
  • cultural awareness
  • career pathways

Reporting an absence

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please call the school in the first instance on 01524 32636 and Select Option 1 to report a pupil absent. You can also text to our Absence Alert Text Number 07943107504 - This is a virtual mobile number from which absence is monitored during the school day. Alternatively email to:


Our school day begins at 08:40. It is essential pupils are on time for school. Regularly arriving late to school means your child misses out on key activities at the star of the day, important messages and assemblies. Please support your child with their organisation in the evening and morning to ensure they can depart for school on time and are prepared for their day of learning. 

View / Download CLHS Attendance Policy


Rewarding Good Attendance

As part of our daily practice we celebrate good attendance in school. School assemblies and form time powerpoints have slides that include a focus on attendance and celebrate the attendance of form/year/house groups attendance figures weekly/half termly/ termly and annually.

Rewards for forms and individuals for good attendance include:

  • Letter home- 100% attendance for half term
  • Praise postcards/emails/phone calls- for pupils with improved attendance
  • Certificates for 100% attendance each half term
  • Prize draws for Love to Shop vouchers in every termly Celebration assembly
  • Pupils compete to win the House trophies for best form attendance each term and best House attendance of the academic year.


Requests for Leave of Absence

Holidays should not be taken during the term time. If leave is required during term time, a ‘Leave of Absence Request Form' should be completed and submitted to the School’s Attendance Officer. Please note that these are only requests and should be returned at least 2 weeks prior to the intended first day of leave.

Parents do not have a legal right to take children out of school on holiday. 

Where authorisation is not obtained prior to taking time off, parents must be aware that formal action is available to the school in the form of Fixed Penalty Notices and fines.

Did you know?

  • There are 189 statutory school days in one year.
  • There are 175 days including weekends and holidays available to use for holidays.

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