“Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

Albert Einstein



Subject Staff

Name Role Contact
Mr Rubery Head of Department Contact
Mr Nesbitt Classroom Teacher Contact




Our Intent:

Computing and ICT at Central Lancaster High School is designed to allow opportunities for all pupils to develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology regardless of their starting point.  They will develop and apply their analytic, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills. By understanding how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity they will be able to recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and know how to report concerns. They will become creators as well as users of digital content.

The Key Stage 3 programme of study will allow pupils to develop their ICT and Computing skills, develop their problem solving skills and introduce them to the concept of project work. They will develop an understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to work to a client brief, use a range of different software applications, meet deadlines, be organised and be able to reflect and evaluate on their work.

The Key Stage 4 iMedia course has been chosen to allow pupils to understand how computers work, how to use them in a productive way but also to enable them to become creators as well as users of software. This qualification will prepare pupils both for the world of work, support them in other subjects of study, and open up pathways to Level 3 courses and further study at colleges and universities.

View Computing Curriculum - Roadmap Overview

KS3 Overview of Units

  Term 1 Topics Term 2 Topics Term 3 Topics Detailed Overview Curriculum Roadmap
Year 7 Baseline test, Using computers safely Modelling data - spreadsheets Introduction to coding through Scratch (Pt.1) & (Pt.2) View Document View Document
Year 8 Understanding computers Networks from semaphores to the Internet

Data protection and cybersecurity

Vector Graphics

View Document View Document
Year 9 Graphic design and manipulation Advanced game programing using Construct 2 HTML and website development View Document View Document











Parents / carers can best support pupils by: Talking to pupils about what they have learnt, allowing structured time and access to computers at home. Encouraging pupils to be curious, brave and optimistic about how computers and technology can be used in positive and productive ways.

Key Stage 4 - Y10 & Y11

Qualification type, exam board and syllabus if applicable: Cambridge Nationals Level 2 Certificate in Creative iMedia (CiDA). 
Web link to specification: Specification Details


Unit R093 Creative iMedia in the media industry (Exam) 1hr 30mins
Unit R094 Visual identity and digital graphics (CW) Coursework portfolio
Unit R099 Digital games (CW) Coursework portfolio




Parents / carers can best support pupils by: Pupils would benefit from a computer of their own if studying this course. This is not essential however as computers are available at school. Talking to pupils about what they have learnt, allowing structured time and access to computers at home. Allowing pupils to install software at home. Encouraging pupils to be curious, brave and optimistic about how computers and technology can be used in positive and productive ways.


Additional materials to support study and revision:

Resource Link
Construct 2 https://www.scirra.com/construct2
Bite Sized https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zft3d2p





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