Intent of the Curriculum  

We provide an ambitious curriculum with a strong academic core. Our curriculum is underpinned by our school values of commitment, creativity and community and the best that has been thought, said and done. Reading and literature are at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils receive a rich cultural experience. Pupils hone their leadership skills through a range of activities including the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the Arts Award and many sporting clubs and activities. Our ambition is for Modern Foreign Languages to continue to grow and become a subject of choice for all pupils.

Curriculum leaders have carefully considered the sequencing of component knowledge and the composite understanding this creates. There are ambitious end points that have been identified in each subject. Our curriculum is equally ambitious for all pupils including those who are disadvantaged and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. 


School Curriculum Vision 

Our vision is that when our pupils leave Central Lancaster High School, we want them to: 

•    enjoy healthy and fulfilled lives 

•    be socially adept, demonstrating the core qualities of kindness and respect  

•    make positive contributions to the communities in which they live – being inclusive of all 

•    have achieved the best possible academic outcomes 

•    be equipped to make informed decisions about their next steps in education, training and employment.

The way in which our curriculum is planned aims to build upon prior knowledge and provide challenge. The delivery of the curriculum ensures pupils learn more and remember more, with opportunities to make links between topics and subjects and extend knowledge wherever possible. Formative assessment is planned to ensure learning is broad and effective, but not to be the focus; we believe in learning for enjoyment and to equip our pupils for the world beyond school.


How do we structure our curriculum?

Years 7, 8 and 9 have a broad and balanced curriculum, allowing pupils to develop skills and knowledge across a wide range of subjects. In years 10 and 11, pupils specialise in subjects which will provide them with a springboard to further education, employment and training. 

Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9):
Pupils study the National Curriculum in English, maths, science, history, geography, modern foreign languages, design and technology, art, music, physical education, computing, physical education, citizenship and computing.
The hours per two-week timetable cycle given to each subject is laid out in the table below.


Subject Teaching Hours - 50 Period
  Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Total
English 8 8 8 24
Maths 8 8 8 24
Science 8 8 8 24
History 4 4 4 12
Geography 4 4 4 12
French 2 2 4 8
Spanish 2 2   4
Computing 2 2 2 6
PE 4 4 4 12
Art & Textiles 2 2 2 6
Music 2 2 2 6
RE 1 1 1 3
PSHE 1 1 1 3
Catering 1 1 1 3
Design and Technology 1 1 1 3
















In Years 7 and 8, pupils have been split into two ‘equal ability’ bands for English, maths, science and PE. This has allowed Heads of Department to create teaching groups based upon ability within each of these subjects. All other subjects will be taught in mixed ability groups.

In Year 9, pupils have been split into two ‘equal ability’ bands for English, maths, science, history, geography and PE. This again has allowed Heads of Department to create teaching groups based upon ability within each of these subjects. All other subjects will be taught in mixed ability groups.

Key Stage (Years 10 – 11):

All pupils study, English Language, and English Literature, maths, science, PE, Life Skills and four optional subjects.
Pupils are given the opportunity to select 4 option subjects that currently include:

•    History - GCSE

•    Geography - GCSE

•    French - GCSE

•    Design Technology - GCSE

•    Art – GCSE

•    Triple Science

•    Creative iMedia – Vocational 

•    Business and Enterprise - Vocational 

•    Travel and Tourism - Vocational

•    Sport - Vocational 

•    Hospitality and Catering - Vocational

•    Performing Arts - Vocational 

Subject Teaching Hours Over Two Weeks
  Year 10 Year 11
English 9 9
Maths 8 9
Science 9 8
Option A 5 5
Option B 5 5
Option C 5 5
Option D 5 5
PE 2 2
Social Development 2 2










In Key Stage 4, pupils are split into two ‘equal ability’ bands for English, maths and science and are placed in sets based on ability. Pupils are taught core PE in mixed ability groups. Pupils in Year 10 will also study Life Skills (RE/RSE/Citizenship). All Key Stage 4 option subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.

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