The Central Uniform

At Central Lancaster High School we take pride in our appearance, students are expected to wear their uniform with pride and always look smart.

Below is a list of what is and isn't acceptable.


  • CLHS blazer to be worn at all times.
  • House Tie purchased from CLHS - £6.00
  • Full length tailored black trousers or pleated black CLHS/non-branded black pleated skirt to be worn with tights or plain knee length black socks, worn to the knee.
  • White shirt
  • Plain black shoes with no visible logo – no boots, trainers or canvas shoes. Shoes should be leather or PU leather. 
  • Suitable outdoor coat. No leather or denim. Coats are not to be worn inside the classroom except when required as part of Covid19 environmental requirements.

Optional Items

  • Black Jumper – not to be worn in place of blazer
  • Earrings - one pair of small stud earrings only to be worn in ear lobes.

Unacceptable Presentation

  • No extreme hairstyles or hair colours
  • No make-up or false eye lashes
  • No nail varnish or false nails
  • No drainpipe or leggings style trousers
  • No hoodies or baseball caps
  • No piercings anywhere other than a single ear lobe piercing
  • No jewellery other than a watch

School bags or rucksacks should be waterproof, black, navy or grey in colour and large enough to carry exercise books, school equipment and an A4 folder.

Students should be clean and tidy, shirts are to be worn tucked in. Skirts should be no more than 10cm above the knee, skirts should not be rolled over.

We hold in stock key items of uniform for children who arrive at school inappropriately dressed for the day. These items can be borrowed temporarily until their presentation is corrected by parents dropping off their correct uniform. Pupils will also be issued with a P3 lunchtime detention. If pupils persistently disregard the uniform rules they will work in the IMPACT Centre or will be sent home until the uniform or presentation issue is rectified.



Sport & Physical activity is fun, it promotes a healthy lifestyle and positive mental wellbeing which is why students have two weekly sessions of PE.

Students need the following items for all PE lessons.


PE Kit Required

  • CLHS PE T-Shirt
  • CLHS PE rugby shirt (optional but recommended for boys)
  • CLHS PE shorts
  • Trainers (indoors)
  • Football boots (field) - when teacher advises pupils they are required (4 weeks notice will be given). 


Optional Items

  • CLHS PE Tracksuit bottoms (girls/boys)
  • CLHS PE leggings (girls)
  • CLHS PE Rugby Shirt
  • CLHS PE Hoodie (optional, recommended for winter lessons)
  • CLHS PE rain jacket
  • Red sports socks
  • Football boots (optional for girls)

We encourage students to get as involved as possible during their time at CLHS. PE lessons appear weekly on pupil timetables therefore it is essential that pupils have clean, named kit for their safe participation.

A 20 minute lunch time detention is issued for pupils who do not bring their kit for these lessons.


Uniform Purchase

Our school uniform can be purchased from Uniform and Leisurewear Ltd, Common Garden Street, Lancaster.

Please click HERE for our uniform supplier 

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