Parent / Carer Letter Re: Covid19
Dear Parent/Carer
COVID-19 update
Following the announcement by the government at the weekend about the new temporary measures that are to be introduced following the emergence of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in the UK, we have been contacted today by the Department for Education to advise us that:
"Face coverings should be worn in communal areas in all settings by staff, visitors and pupils or students in year 7 and above, unless they are exempt. Pupils or students (in year 7 or above) should continue to wear face coverings on public and dedicated school transport, unless they are exempt."
From Tuesday 30th November, all pupils, unless they are exempt, will be required to wear face coverings in school in communal areas i.e. corridors, toilets and in the canteen areas when not eating.
If you believe your child is exempt, please email their Head of Year and we will issue an exemption pass. Face coverings should be plain blue or black. We have a stock of disposable masks in school which we will distribute free of charge but I would strongly recommend you purchase face coverings that can be regularly washed.
In addition to face coverings, we will continue to promote good hygiene, regular cleaning of the school site and we will ensure appropriate ventilation in school.
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of twice weekly lateral flow testing. Testing kits can be collected by your child from reception at break or lunchtime.
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
Yours sincerely
Mr J Cowper
Acting Principal