Dear parents / carers


We hope that you and your family are well during this time. Hopefully your child has been accessing their home learning and is enjoying the work that we are providing. We would like some feedback about our home learning provision. In this letter, you will find some key information about our home learning provision and a link to a survey which you can complete to give us your feedback.


Firstly, we want to thank students and staff for their hard work and commitment during this period of remote learning. We are incredibly proud of our provision online and how quickly both students and staff have adapted to this new way of teaching and learning. It has been a learning curve but one that everyone has positively responded to so thank you.


As a reminder, if your child is in KS3 (Year 7, 8 or 9), they will be getting a mixture of Classcharts work and online live Microsoft Teams lessons delivered by our teachers. If your child is in KS4 (Year 10 or 11), your child’s timetable will be delivered mostly through Microsoft Teams. The email address: should be used if your child has forgotten their password or has any technical issues.


All of this information is available on our website:


Students will be eager to share their completed classwork with their teachers. However, we ask that students only submit classwork that their teachers have specifically asked them to. Your child’s teacher will inform your child when they want the work submitting and the submission will usually happen on ClassCharts. We ask that your child only emails their teachers if they have a question or need some help with the work set.


As we are approaching our third week of partial school closure, it’s important that we get some feedback from families about our remote learning provision. We would like your opinion about your child’s experience, what we’re doing well and what we could improve. Please could you complete this short survey here to share your views. Please do this for every child you have at CLHS particularly if they are in different year groups: Link to Feedback Form


We recognise that some families may not have access to the technology needed to access the online lessons or for their child/ children to complete the work. If this is the case, please get in touch with the school.


Thank you for all you are doing to support your child accessing their education at home. If you have any questions, please contact the school.


Yours sincerely          


Miss Amy Newsham

Assistant Principal

Teaching and Learning