Accelerated Reader

At Central Lancaster High School we have been running the Accelerated Reader programme since 2008.  The programme has been hugely successful and is now available to all pupils in years 7 and 8, along with 2 groups from year 9.


Pupils take a test on the computer and from their results are given a ZPD - Zone of Proximal Development.  This is a range of book levels from which the pupil should select books to read, their personalised reading range.

When they have read their book they complete an on-line quiz to test their understanding of the book.  Each quiz is worth a certain amount of points which are earned towards their target.  They must achieve more than 85% in the test to score full points, score less than 60% and they don’t score any points.  Between 60% and 85% they score a percentage of the value of the quiz.

Each pupil is set a target to reach every half term.  The targets are set in conjunction with their ZPDs so are achievable for each pupil.  Certificates are awarded to those pupils who achieve their targets.

This programme doesn’t only work with fiction books but with non-fiction too.  Most of the Horrible Histories, Science, Geography and the Knowledge series are part of the programme along with many other non-fiction titles, making this a cross-curricular programme.

This is a highly motivational programme and encourages our pupils to read a variety of different authors and genres which enables them to learn and use different reading skills. These skills will enhance their ability to understand different levels of text in other subject areas.  

There are many titles to choose from in the well stocked school library, all labelled with the book level, quiz number and points.

To see the full range of books available on the Accelerated Reader Programme visit

If you find a book that you would like to read on the arbookfind site you can check if the school library has got the book by using this link to the library management system

Eclipse is the library management system that we use in the school library, pupils have their own log in to their own user space.  If the book you want is out on loan you can reserve it, or if the library doesn’t stock the book you want you can always suggest it to the library staff for the next book order for the library, or you could check our local public libraries.

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