Book Trust’s Bookbuzz Programme


Central Lancaster High School is taking part in BookTrust’s Bookbuzz programme, which aims to get children reading.

Pupils in Y7 and Y8 will chose their own book to keep out of the seventeen Bookbuzz titles. We hope that Bookbuzz will encourage your child to read more frequently, which will help improve their wellbeing, spark interesting conversations and inspire creativity.

Here are three steps you can take to get involved: 


  1. Get talking! The easiest way to get involved is to talk to your child about books and reading. Their Bookbuzz book is a great place to start. What do they enjoy about their book? Who is their favourite character? Talking about books together can help show the value of reading and encourage your child to form and share their opinions on what they like to read. 
  2. Find out more. You can find lots on the BookTrust website to share and enjoy with your child, helping them to discover more about their Bookbuzz book. There are videos and blogs from the Bookbuzz authors, quizzes, competitions and more at
  3. What next? The adventure continues when your child finishes their Bookbuzz book! No matter what their interests, there are thousands of fantastic books out there to discover. To find their next read you can ask a librarian, visit a local book shop, or go to BookTrust’s Bookfinder at 

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