The pupils and staff at Central Lancaster High School really value the idea of sustainability and are already an Eco-School.  

At the school, the pupils really lead the way with the sustainable initiatives we have introduced and they are very much in charge of the Eco-Team, making decisions and managing projects as needed.

Some of the exiting things we have coming up over the next year include building on a link with a South African school, getting solar panels, putting up birdboxes and monitoring them with cameras in the spring, extending the raised beds area to grow more vegetables and hopefully planting a honeybee garden.


Our commitment to the Eco-Schools scheme comes in the form of a code. The pupils involved in the Eco-Club wrote several codes and then voted for this one. They did a great job as it encompasses all we want to achieve.

Reduce CO2 emissions

Recycle all we can

Save Energy

Always turn off lights and taps

Talk to others about what we do

Look after our Environment

By doing these things, we can CREATE our own future!


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